You have big dreams, big ideas, and lots of ambition. You know where you want to go but it seems like you’ve been spinning your wheels, and you cannot seem to get off first base. The key to manifesting your goals is simple. One step at a time.

Identify the Goal
The first step in the process is identifying the goal you want to achieve. Be specific. “One of these days I would like to . . .” is not at all helpful. The more clarity you can get regarding your goal, the more likely you will achieve it. Writing it down helps to solidify it in your head. Commit to achieving it, and you will have won part of the battle.

Don’t Be Overwhelmed
Even when your goal seems daunting, think of how one eats an elephant, one bite at a time. It may take a while, but when you plan properly and pace yourself, you will be surprised at what you can accomplish. Before you know it, this mountainous project is finished, and you feel victorious.

Take a little time to analyze the project and get a clear perspective of what you hope to achieve. It could be going back to school to get or finish a degree. You may want to start a new business or take a trip abroad. Whatever your goal may be, stepping back and assessing what needs to be done and breaking the process down into smaller steps will be very helpful when it comes to bringing this desire into reality.

Plan Wisely
Perhaps you have heard of S.M.A.R.T. goals. These goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant tangible, or time-bound. When you use these elements to set your goal and commit to them, you are sure to make that goal a reality. Being specific about your goal is key. Make sure it is clear and well-defined.

When you go on a journey, you need directions of some sort to get to your destination. You don’t hop in the car and say, “I think I’m gonna go thataway!” then hope you end up in the right place. You decide where you are going, and you get directions to lead you there.

You want to be able to measure your success too. Using precise amounts or dates, whatever measurement is relevant to your goal, will help you keep track of your progress.

Your goal also should be attainable. You can achieve it if you truly believe you can. It is good to stretch beyond your comfort zone.

When your goal is relevant, it will be easier for you to stay focused on achieving it. Don’t squander your time by setting goals that are not relevant to what you hope to achieve in life.

Time-bound goals will also help you focus. Think in terms of what by when. What do you want to achieve, and when do you want to make it happen?

Take charge and create the future you want by setting goals to achieve your dreams and make them a reality.